RCCG Chapel of Restoration

Call (918) 392-0522

Word & Prayers
Like the Apostle Peter said, We also give ourselves to the Ministry of Word and Prayers. In RCCG Chapel of Restoration, We Prioritize the Study of the Word while we build a strong Prayer Life.
Miracles & Healing
Miracles are real and Miracles still happen. We glory in this grace and it is evident in the powerful testimonies from those who have encountered the supernatural by faith in the power of God. Jesus is glorified
Signs & Wonders
Signs and Wonders are as common as daily bread in RCCG Chapel of Restoration. We have various supernatural encounters and our ears are filled with powerful testimonies of how God did great wonders with signs following.
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Experience the Supernatural

Meet us

RCCG Chapel of Restoration

The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Chapel of Restoration, Tulsa Oklahoma is a parish of the The Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide. The North American headquarters of the Church is in Dallas Texas.

Our Mission
& Vision

  1. To make heaven.
  2. To take as many people with us.
  3. To have a member of RCCG in every family of all nations.
  4. To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.
  5. To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes walking distance in every city and town of developing countries and within five minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries.
  6. We will pursue these objectives until every Nation in the world is reached for the Lord Jesus Christ

Our Services

Locate Us

13650 E 21st ST Tulsa Oklahoma

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What is the

Most Critical Decision in Life?

Life or Death Jesus Gospel by Chapel of Restoration qafas

The most critical decision is to make Jesus the Lord over your life. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believed in Him will not die but have eternal life”.

If you want to make Jesus lord over your life, say the following prayer:

Dear heavenly Father, I come to you with a repentant heart in the name of your son Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose from the dead for my salvation. I accept Jesus as Lord and savior of my life from now onwards through eternity in Jesus name amen.

Congratulations if you said that prayer! Welcome to the family of God.


Pastor's Desk

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Pastor Tina Agadagba

Chapel of Restoration Lead Pastor - Pastor Mrs Tina Agadagba

What Our Members Say

Restoration Family Experience


Before I came to this church, I was lost, and I had no idea what my purpose was but for the few years have been here, the community and the occasional sermons have given me a new meaning of faith and belonging this has probably been the only source of hope and strength that has seen me through thick and thin periods in my life and spiritual life I cannot thank you enough for your love and support.


Ever since I was young, I have always wanted something more in my life yet I found what I exactly needed in my entire existence up to this point when I first came here. I have learned and nurtured my spiritual being through attending worship services and fellowshipping with the people I regard as family. The Spirit of God had an impact on me and I thank God since I have grown spiritually in this place.


I am immensely grateful for the blessing of being part of this church family. I would not have made it without the pastors’ encouraging words and fellow members’ assistance to fight challenges. Indeed, this place has always been with me in joy and grief, always cheering me up with your prayers and belief in God’s eternal love. Irl happily be¬long to such a loving and compassionate church.


Although I grew up in a Christian home, it’s only with this church that my faith was able to come to life. I feel grounded by solid biblical teaching and have had a chance to find and use my spiritual gifts from the many opportunities to serve. I have experienced joy and fulfillment on this journey and was grateful for everything this church did to help me grow in my relationship with Christ.

Prayer Requests


Let's join our faith with yours